karumaKaruma dam is being constructed at Karuma Falls in Masindi district. The fall is one of the falls found in the Nile. This dam is to generate the greatest megawatts (600) of hydroelectric power to supply both rural and urban areas in the country. This will ease the work of service providers in tourism industry and therefore providing better service to tourists leading to increase in safaris in Uganda.

Apart from that, this dam can attract a lot of investors in the country who can ensure better quality of tourism facilities like accommodation facilities. Therefore need should be taken to ensure the dam’s construction becomes successful. In other to attract safaris to Uganda

According from the officials from ministries of finance and energy, funding for the dam could have hit a snag. For government to meet its contribution for the dam’s construction on the Nile, the contractor, Sino hydro, has to prove that it has secured its part of the bargain, said finance spokes person Jim Mugungu and the director of Energy and Mineral Development Mr. Paul Mubiru. The success of this dam will mean the success of the tourism industry as a whole and thus increase in the number of safari tours in Uganda.

Energy is an important part which drives modernization, and infrastructures which are used by tourists at the destination. It also ensures the use of the advance technology which is very important in the tourism sector to ensure tourists satisfaction and thus increasing safari visits to the destination.

Uganda safaris/Uganda safari News

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